Westin Hotel Mindspace by Harold Brown

We have stayed twice at the Westin Hotel Mindspace in Hi-Tech City, Hyderabad. The Westin is a 5 star hotel and a great place to stay while visiting Hyderabad. The hotel was only open for one month when we first stayed there in January 2010. India film stars stay at the hotel, there are 4 restaurants, spa, lounge, and the internet access is great. Here are a few pictures of the Westin Mindspace that I have taken during our visits. 

The Westin Mindspace
The Westin Mindspace

Looking east toward the Westin and the outdoor pool

Westin Hotel Pool
Executive Chef Rakesh Singh
Chef Mukesh
Seasonal Tastes Restaurant

Westin Mindspace Room 1714

Chef Srikanth


Time to Capture More of India by Harold Brown

It was almost 6 years since we had last traveled to India and although we have enough pictures from the original trip to still last the next couple of years I wanted to get out onto the streets more this time around. This time we spent all our time in Hyderabad and saw more of the city and surrounding area. 

First stop on the way was Washington Dulles and Emirates Airlines. The gate was right next to South African Airways and my wife was tempted to trade-in her ticket to head home and visit her family in Joburg. 

Geeta stands under the South African Flag in Dulles Airport

Dulles A Gates

Flying Emirates Boeing 777-300 to Dubai and then onto Hyderabad

I watched "Mission Impossible Rogue Nation" and "Spy" on the way to India

Just like last time we were flying during warnings of terrorist attacks, this time we left just after the attacks on Paris. 

14 minutes away from the Dubai International Airport

Geeta at Dubai International Airport

Geeta at Dubai International Airport

Washington Dulles




1967 Ford Mustang Fastback by Harold Brown

A few pictures I took in 2011 of a 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback at the Brunswick Car Show

1967 Ford Mustang
1967 Ford Mustang
1967 Ford Mustang
1967 Ford Mustang

I enjoy going to a few car shows every year and taking in the views of the old pony cars and remembering a time when they were new on the road.


Old Stone Joe on R539 in Mpumalanga, South Africa by Harold Brown

On our way to Kruger National Park from Johannesburg we came across "Old Joe" on R539. I have blogged about this before but I thought it was worth talking about again. Old Joe is actually a giant rock dug up by a road crew in the 1920s. It is named after Joe Barbas who was the supervisor of the road crew that built the road. The road crew recognized that the rock looked like a man and it was placed as a mile marker along the road. Over the years the tradition of painting the rock started and now tourists stop and checkout Old Joe when driving to Sabie and/or Kruger Park. In 2009 it was a safe place to stop by to take pictures, if you are headed on safari and near the area stop by and see how Old Joe is painted today.

Old Joe - Painted Rock Statue 2009

Old Joe is one of those rare finds while traveling that many people will drive by without realizing what they are missing. Old Joe has decades of tradition, don't miss it.

Joe Barbas "Old Joe"
Old Joe - Painted Rock Statue 2009

Cartoonists/painters are sent to repaint Old Joe from time to time so his appearance is ever changing. These pictures were taken in March of 2009 while on our way to Kruger Park.

Near Old Joe on R539

Building Our Patio by Harold Brown

Just over a year after building our sun room we decided to finish the area below it with a basic concrete square block paver. The area had always been troublesome and we tried a few things over the years but decided to go with the pavers. Once we did that we were able to do some finish mulch work that that was desperately needed. While we were at it we finished the white stain and added a second and in some cases a third coat of stain to the the steps and landing of the sun room. There is always next year to finish up the backyard and we have been thinking about trimming down the two big maples. A little bit each year. Here are a few pictures of the patio before and after.

July 18, 2004
September 19, 2004
August 14, 2015 - Before
Adding sand to build up the area
Start laying out the Concrete Stone
New Patio
Finshing Touches
Almost done
Done for the season

Austin Mini 1000 Mk III by Harold Brown

I spotted this car in July 2011 at the Brunswick, Ohio Laurel Square Shopping Center car show. It was a very nice car with aftermarket side mirrors on the fenders and the gas filler cap upgrade. Although I had taken several pictures of the car I never did anything with them until this past week when I looked at the car and tried to figure out what exact year and model it was. There are so many variables and history with this car it took a couple of hours of research to decide it was 70's Austin Mini 1000 MK III. Once I did that I did a little editing with Lightroom, Photoshop and Photo 10. Hope you like the pictures.

Mini 1000 Mk III
Mini 1000 Mk III
Mini 1000 Mk III - Badge

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